Melanie Bess - Editor & Educator

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Lightroom Editing - How & Why To Make Virtual Copies & My YouTube Channel Announcement

Hey Photographers & Editors!

This girl just started a YouTube Editing Tutorial Channel y'all!!!  

Say what?

I enjoy teaching creative skills to others (bet you didn't know that I teach painting classes in my town did you?) ...  So I started this YouTube channel where I will provide some FREE education on editing in Lightroom.  In the future, I will also be releasing a paid course and Lightroom preset that teaches you specifically how to edit for backlight.  Backlight shooting and editing is my JAM!  I cannot wait to get that out to you guys! 

This first tutorial is "How To Make A Virtual Copy In Lightroom".

If you are wondering why you should care about virtual copies, I am about to change your editing workflow right now.   This is such a time saver. The main reason virtual copies are so incredibly handy, is for creating both a color and a black & white version of your images in Lightroom.  No need to export all your color images and then make your black and whites separately in Photoshop... like I used to years ago before I figured this technique out.  (I am only slightly embarrassed to share that with you.) My, my.... so many hours of time wasted doing that.  

Secondly, you can also use virtual copies to compare different editing styles if you are still figuring out what you like.  Simply make a few copies of one image and edit each copy with a different look and compare them! Virtual copies are absolutely necessary, you guys! 

So play my tutorial below and learn how to make virtual copies in Lightroom!  Save time and your sanity! 

If you enjoyed this, subscribe to my channel and feel free to shoot me a message if you have other topics you would like me to create a tutorial for!  

#editingwithmelanie  #communityovercompetition

Happy Editing, my friends!